Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I Wish You....

... a very



Monday, December 3, 2007

Wait a minute Mr. Postman...

Ok, here I go. *deep breath* I have been doing some printing on my Gocco PG Arts (screenprinter). Here is a peek at my first work.

(close up)


I think they are just so precious, but I'm always nervous about showing my work to others. Ugh! I hope I get over that one of these days!

This set is made from four different screens - one for each design. Then each card is printed, one at a time on ivory linen card stock. I printed some tags and tissue too!

So here is the set

-- four different cards in a set -

all dressed up and ready to go!

(*I plan to offer these for sale as soon as I can set it up!*
But the first sets are on their way to some very special ladies!)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Honor & Old Glory

Thank You Veterans

Monday, November 5, 2007

Harvest Table

I don't usually bother with "table scapes". With four young kids running around, anything on the table (besides food!) needs to be bump-proof, un-breakable, washable, or just plain unappealing to little ones. The one "rule" in my house when it comes to decor is "kids LIVE here". But when I saw these beautiful squash, I was inspired.

Feeling hopeful, I filled a box and hurried home from the farm.

Hmm...I like it. I wonder if we can make it last until Thanksgiving?

Monday, October 8, 2007

Lucky 13

Thirteen years ago today I sat alone in the quiet morning on these steps tying a bundle of lavender from my garden with gold ribbon.

Then, wearing my mother's wedding gown, surrounded by family and friends, a few potted roses, and sweet music drifting down from the string quartet in the balcony, he and I became "we".

...Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. --WB Yeats

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Magic Words

I was hit hard by a cold over the weekend. Hard. I'm just today getting back on my feet a bit. Probably just in time for the kids to come down with it! (We are a family that shares!) Anyway, I had hoped to be talking about other things by now, but I just could not miss the chance to tell a little story.

Friday was one of those "crazy busy" days. It was my day to be Library Mom for one child's class, I had volunteered to bring a snack for the in-school walk-a-thon for another child's class, there was a Girl Scout meeting scheduled for after school -- you know, THAT kind of day. Then the rain came. Pouring. Hailing. Cats-n-dogs kind of rain. And there in the closet were the raincoats.

So, back and forth to the school we went. Me and my littlest helper. Checking out books to kid's in the school library, delivering coats, stopping at the grocery store, home for a little food prep, back to the school with snacks. Somewhere around our third trip to the school I said to my patient little one, "Sweetie-pete, this is what is good about living close to the school. We can dash over whenever we are needed. We are very fortunate."

There was a time when we lived half an hour from school - I could not have managed a day like this then. I said a little prayer of thanks, and then it dawned on me to call my husband. To thank him. For the house close to the school, for the vehicle that gets me there every time, for the chance to send our children to the school of our choice, for my opportunity to stay home to raise our children and be available for them when they need me. It's a big deal. Sometimes in a family we forget to thank each other for doing their part. But Friday I stopped to say "thank you", and it really Made. His. Day. (The added bonus is that it made my day too!)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Well, catching-up really. But with all of the tomato photos I had to choose from, "ketchup" seemed a fitting title! Here is a little more beauty from the garden:

Things are starting to wind down in the garden, but there are a few more goodies waiting for me there. Squash and corn and, yes, more tomatoes. I have planted some brussels sprouts and broccoli that can take the cooler weather too, so it's not over yet. I also have met a sweet little someone who has been sharing the garden with us -- a little bunny! (I'll try to get a photo soon!)

So, here comes autumn, my favorite time of the year. When things cool off, settle to a steady pace, and ripen. I always think of my favorite poem, "To Autumn" by John Keats (I even had it printed in my wedding program). Ahh..., pure beauty. Now it's time for sweaters and coffee (well, there is always time for good coffee!) and books, lots of books. I have some "tried and true" that I will take down from the shelf and some new books I picked up here and there over the summer. If I can put the IKEA catalog down. I've been pouring over that all summer. Oh, I know the sidebar says I'm reading The Poisonwood Bible, and I am. Just, well, not all at once!

I have been using my Print Gocco a bit lately, too -- I'm crazy about this thing! I'll post pictures later, after the mail goes out -- don't want to spoil the surprise!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bean There, Done That

Here in the Pacific Northwest we have had great veggie garden weather this summer! The flip side of that?

What do you do when this happens?

I found some great information about preserving green beans here.

But I started with this:

(yes, pickled with dill and lots of garlic!)

Then, some (blanched) for the freezer:

What's next? Blackberries!

I need to get some of these beauties onto a cookie sheet (one layer) and into the freezer! (just pop them into a plastic storage container after they have frozen and enjoy them all winter -- or autumn, anyway!)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Life is What Happens...

Well, life has certainly been happening around here. The days have been filled to the brim .

And yes, I'm still making plans. But nothing I could create compares to these gems:

Summer is just too short -- get out and enjoy it!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I've Got Mail!

When the mail arrives at our house, at least one of the kids asks if there is any mail for them. They have learned that kids get the good mail -- things like cards from Gra'ma and Gra'mpa and invitations to birthday parties. Grown-ups get bills and ads. That is that. Well, today I got the good mail! Take a look:

Yes, from Tracey the Cupcake Maven, near-professional Tag Sale-er (have you seen some of her finds?!), and Furniture Rescuer. What an inspiring lady - "living a beautiful life"!

I had the opportunity to meet-up with Tracey and Deb and Dori at a Willow Nest flea market recently and it will long be remembered as one of my favorite days! Their energy and kindness, the quick kinship we experienced, I was truly touched. It's what gave me the push I needed to start this blog, and to actively reclaim my dreams. "Bliss" refers to "The Business of Bliss", a feature and later a book by the editors of Victoria magazine. It's about making a living by doing what you love -- and these ladies do it with all their hearts. How can you not want that for yourself?

Thank you Tracey, for the sweet reminder of a day well spent!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

That was then...this is now

Today I received a marketing email from Veer. (Veer is a company that sells photos and typeface, etc. for design) I always love to receive information from them by email or in the post. Today's was especially good. Here is a link to "Type City" - beautiful.

This is the kind of thing that makes me want to be young and hip again (yes I was!). You know, dressed all in black, walking through the sun-speckled campus of PSU on my way to acting class after four hours of dance class. Sipping my latte. Knowing that later I would meet up with my long-haired rocker boyfriend at Hot Lips Pizza for lunch and then on to the Portland Art Museum. Yeah, I married the boy (and he still rocks on occasion). Yeah, I still dress mostly in black, and I am likely to break out in song and dance at any given moment. But we are parents now, upstanding citizens, business owners, home owners -- and this life is good. But I wouldn't mind going back for a visit (or two)!

OK, now go back to that link to "Type City" (take the tour and make sure the sound is on!), doesn't some of the typeface take your breath away?

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Oh Beautiful...

Happy Birthday America!

Today we celebrated with a parade,

home-made ice cream

and a little bit of sparkle!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Life after forty

I think birthday's are best spent with children and cake -- don't you?

And then, of course, dinner here. Take a look at the menu! (yes, it was fab!)

Oh, and I did get what I wished for -- a Gocco printer for paper AND cloth (My husband completely surprised me with this! What a guy!)

Monday, June 25, 2007

Getting to Know You

I've been a Girl Scout, a soprano in the church choir, a pianist, a ballerina, modern dancer, tap dancer, an artist, an actor, a performance artist, a dance instructor, a Sunday School teacher, a secretary, a head-hunter, a daughter, sister, girlfriend, wife, and a mother. Mother is my favorite. But, I am ready to embark on something new...an online shop full of things that I dream up and then make real in my little craft studio at the edge of town.