Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bean There, Done That

Here in the Pacific Northwest we have had great veggie garden weather this summer! The flip side of that?

What do you do when this happens?

I found some great information about preserving green beans here.

But I started with this:

(yes, pickled with dill and lots of garlic!)

Then, some (blanched) for the freezer:

What's next? Blackberries!

I need to get some of these beauties onto a cookie sheet (one layer) and into the freezer! (just pop them into a plastic storage container after they have frozen and enjoy them all winter -- or autumn, anyway!)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Life is What Happens...

Well, life has certainly been happening around here. The days have been filled to the brim .

And yes, I'm still making plans. But nothing I could create compares to these gems:

Summer is just too short -- get out and enjoy it!