Monday, December 3, 2007

Wait a minute Mr. Postman...

Ok, here I go. *deep breath* I have been doing some printing on my Gocco PG Arts (screenprinter). Here is a peek at my first work.

(close up)


I think they are just so precious, but I'm always nervous about showing my work to others. Ugh! I hope I get over that one of these days!

This set is made from four different screens - one for each design. Then each card is printed, one at a time on ivory linen card stock. I printed some tags and tissue too!

So here is the set

-- four different cards in a set -

all dressed up and ready to go!

(*I plan to offer these for sale as soon as I can set it up!*
But the first sets are on their way to some very special ladies!)

1 comment:

Debi Ward Kennedy said...

Oh Oh OH!!!!! Kelly, I just received them in the mail!!!! Sweet, darling, adorable, brilliant, fabulous....mere words! Shall I go on?! These are just too marvelous! I am so touched by this gift, and your note....thank you thank you thank you, my dear friend. You are a treasure and I know you will sell out of these the moment you post them on the site! Check out my blog post on them!